Did you know? The most dangerous state for motorcyclists is New Hampshire. Below, we explore data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Forbes to discover why more motorcycle crashes happen in New Hampshire than other states. Plus, learn what to do if you or someone you know is injured in an accident.
25% of All Fatal NH Accidents Are Motorcyclists
Motorcycles are undeniably hazardous, but new statistics reveal that New Hampshire riders are at the highest risk. In fact, a quarter of all fatal motor vehicle accidents in New Hampshire involve motorcycles.
This may be attributed at least in part to the lack of helmet laws in the state. Only three states never require motorcycle riders of any age to wear a helmet – New Hampshire, Iowa, and Illinois.
5 More Key Statistics
Here are 5 more important statistics that help illustrate accident risk and how motorcycle riders can protect themselves:
1. Alaska Has the Fewest Motorcycle Accidents
NHTSA data also revealed that Alaska is the least dangerous state for motorcycle riders. Only 6% of fatal accidents involve motorcyclists, which could be attributed to the state’s cold weather and poor riding conditions.
2. Young Adult Males Are At the Highest Risk of Fatality
Certain demographics are also more at risk of being involved in a motorcycle accident than others. Men, for example, account for 92% of all motorcycle deaths according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).
The same data indicated that the majority of people who died in a motorcycle crash were between the ages of 25 and 29, suggesting that young adult males are at the highest risk of being involved in a fatal accident.
3. More Collisions Happen At City Intersections
Motorcycle riders are killed more often in accidents that happen in cities than rural areas. Almost 68% of motorcycle crash fatalities occur in metropolitan places – and out of those accidents, 35% happen at intersections.
Smaller streets with more traffic is one explanation for the higher rate of motorcycle accidents in the city. Another is other drivers who may not be paying attention to potential motorcycle riders on the road.
Interstate highways, on the other hand, are among the safest areas for riders. Only 8% of all motorcycle accidents — fatal or not — happen on these roads. This may be attributed to the open spaces and fewer vehicles in a concentrated area.
4. Motorcycle Accident Deaths Are Up 20% Since 2011
Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents are up across the board by about 20% in the last 10 years. In 2011, just over 4,500 people per year were killed in motorcycle crashes. In 2020, that number has climbed to over 5,500.
Possible influencing factors may be that modern passenger vehicles are larger and more drivers are distracted by phones and dashboard infotainment systems than ever before.
It’s worth noting that motorcycle injuries have not increased significantly over the same time frame. More than 81,700 motorcycle riders were injured in a crash in 2011 and that figure has only increased to just over 82,500, or 1%.
5. Helmets Prevent Fatality 37% of the Time
The importance of wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle cannot be overstated. Riders who get into a crash with a helmet are 37% less likely to die than riders who get in collisions without one. Even motorcyclists who aren’t wearing a DOT-approved helmet are safer than those who choose not to wear one at all.
States without helmet laws, like New Hampshire, have higher motorcycle accident fatality rates than states that make helmets mandatory. To illustrate, in states without helmet laws, more than half of riders who died in a crash were not wearing one at the time of their collision. In states with helmet laws, only 11% of riders who died were found without one.
Injured In a Motorcycle Crash? Call Mazow | McCullough, PC Today
As leading motorcycle accident lawyers in New Hampshire, Mazow | McCullough, PC has the skills and experience needed to aggressively represent you after a collision. Our team will fight for the compensation you and your family deserve, so you can focus on what matters most.
Call today for your free initial consultation at (978) 744-8000 or toll-free at (855) 693-9084, or fill out our short online contact form and we’ll get back to you right away.