Child Fatalities
Read how Mazow | McCullough, PC wrongful death lawyers help families through the difficult journey of obtaining justice after a child mortality.
Children Wrongful Death Lawyers
Few things are more devastating than losing a child. Learning that your child was killed as a result of someone else’s negligence or carelessness and the death may have been preventable can add insurmountable pain and anger to your grief. The Massachusetts children wrongful death lawyers at Mazow | McCullough, PC, are highly sensitive to the emotional pain of parents who have lost a child in a fatal accident.
We understand the pain that accompanies a child mortality – no matter what the child’s age, from newborn to adult. If your child was killed in a fatal accident caused by someone’s recklessness or negligence, you may want to consider bringing forward a wrongful death claim not only to obtain the funds you need for the unexpected costs you are now facing, but also to hold the individual or company responsible for your child’s untimely passing accountable for their negligent action or inaction.
The attorneys at Mazow | McCullough, PC, have extensive experience representing families who have suffered the unimaginable loss of a child. Certainly, when a child mortality comes as a result of some person’s or corporation’s negligence or malfeasance, it is even more troubling. Although you are grieving right now, bringing forward a wrongful death claim against the party at fault for your child’s death can bring peace and comfort to your family during this difficult time.
It’s not necessarily all about the money, contrary to what many people might think. In fact, it’s about getting justice for your child and obtaining emotional closure so you can begin to heal knowing that other children and families won’t be hurt by the same hands.
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Holding Wrongdoers Accountable in a Child Wrongful Death Lawsuit
While there is no amount of money that could possibly compensate a person for the loss of a child, the children wrongful death lawyers in Massachusetts at Mazow | McCullough, PC believe questions should still be answered and the wrongdoer should be held accountable. Understanding what truly happened in the accident that caused your child’s passing, how negligence and carelessness contributed to the accident, and what your legal options are can give families a lot of peace in a terrible and painful situation.
By investigating the circumstances surrounding your child’s passing, we can help you answer tough questions and build the foundation of a claim meant to bring justice to those whose negligence caused or contributed to the premature loss of your child.
Working with Insurance Companies to Obtain a Settlement
At Mazow | McCullough, PC, the attorneys have done more than simply represent the families of the children who have died. They have visited with them, spent time in their homes, and experienced their loss through the eyes of their parents, siblings, and friends. The lawyers hear the stories from the families, gather pictures and videos, and learn as much as they can about the child who was lost.
This way, the strongest and most impactful presentation can be made to the insurance companies to obtain a successful result. Often, the evidence is clear enough in the case of the wrongful death of a child that insurance companies will offer the maximum compensation available without the need to pursue litigation.
Bringing a Child Wrongful Death Case to Court
When a wrongdoer or his or her insurance company refuses to take responsibility for the loss and a wrongful death lawsuit must be filed, this can feel like too much to bear. However, having your day in court and holding those responsible for your child’s passing accountable for their actions in a legal setting can bring comfort to grieving parents and families.
The experienced attorneys at Mazow | McCullough, PC, know exactly how to handle these difficult cases and how to present evidence in an impactful way to the judge and jury. The lawyers will spend countless hours with the family to ensure that they are well prepared for the difficult journey to obtain justice for their child.
If you have lost a child in an accident, please don’t hesitate to contact Mazow | McCullough, PC, today for a free consultation about your case. We understand the challenges you are facing and are here to guide you through the steps you need to take to see that those who are responsible for your child’s death are held legally accountable and that you receive compensation for all of the expenses you are now burdened with, including hospital bills, funeral expenses, lost wages, and more.
The right wrongful death lawyer makes all the difference in what you are able to obtain, be it compensation, justice, or both. See our recent results here.