If you’re injured in the state of Massachusetts due to a motor vehicle collision or a pedestrian accident, you are entitled to be made whole. And what that means is, assessing what the lost wages are that you have incurred or may incur going forward, assessing what the medical bills are that you have incurred or may incur going forward, as well as pain and suffering. It’s important to gather all of the information regarding your claim. You may be entitled to punitive damages. You may be entitled to economic vs. non-economic damages. Every case is different in the state of Massachusetts. But it’s important to know what your injury is and what situation that you’re dealing with so the claim can properly be presented to the insurance company.
Contact a Massachusetts Car-Pedestrian Accident Lawyer
My name is Kevin McCullough with the Law Offices of Mazow & McCullough. If you’ve been injured, you need legal assistance, you have questions. You deserve answers to those questions and you deserve the best. Call our offices.