Motorcycle accidents in Massachusetts and New Hampshire are a common tragedy, and are prevalent across other states, as well. What can you do to best protect yourself if you are involved in one? Taking the following steps will allow you to stay as safe as possible after a motorcycle accident and assist you where legal matters are concerned.
1. Check for Injuries and Call 911
Before doing anything else, check yourself and others for injuries. Even if no one appears to have suffered any harm, you need to call 911. You will not automatically be blamed for an accident because you made the call, but you should not admit fault, either. Taking action is important for legal reasons as well as the safety of all involved.
2. Move Away From Roads and Traffic
If able, get off of the road and away from traffic after calling the authorities. This protects you from further traffic-related incidents and protects others on the road from getting caught up in the accident-related mess. It is in everyone’s best interest to get off the road if your physical condition allows you to do so. Encourage others to do the same.
3. Gather Crash-Related Information
Next, collect contact information for everyone involved and speak to witnesses. Take pictures of everything you can before the scene of the accidents is majorly altered. Record car makes, models and license plate numbers, as well. Notate any details you can think of. When police arrive on-scene, share all of this information for their report.
4. Talk to Your Insurance Company
Talking to your insurance agency is an important step to take, even if you are nervous about doing so. Use all of the details that you recorded in step three to file your insurance report. Remember not to suggest that you caused the accident in any way, even if you think you might have caused or contributed to it.
5. Talk to a Motorcycle Accident Attorney
There are many ways that attorneys for the motorcycle accidents NH and MA motorcyclists face can help after such a crash. If you have been injured, a knowledgeable lawyer can help you find justice. Remember to share all of the details that were shared with the police and your insurance agent with your attorney.
Taking the steps above allows you to be in the best legal position possible after an accident and helps to protect the health and well-being of everyone involved. Mazow | McCullough, PC can help you with legal challenges related to your motorcycle accident injuries. Contact our experienced legal team today to learn more.