Often times when a Personal Injury case goes to trial, it can be many years after the incident which caused the injury. With this time hopefully comes health and healing for the injured. It also means that a jury or an insurance company will often wonder what is actually wrong with the person in front of them. It can be tough for a plaintiff to explain through words and medical records alone the extent of their traumatic injury, just how much the pain took from them, and the toll on their life and those around them that brought the plaintiff and their loved ones to the courtroom. Example of visual aid: Hip and Soft Tissue Injury.
Visuals and Technology in the Courtroom
At Mazow|McCullough, we strive to bridge this gap of understanding through the innovative use of visuals and technology in the courtroom and mediation. Wherever possible, we use carefully selected and tailored visual graphics to present a true idea of the damage caused to the plaintiff. We strive to present complicated ideas and issues in a clear and concise way to help the plaintiff tell their story. We find that through the correct use of these visuals, we are able to better represent our clients and assist them in seeing a just end to their claim. CT Scan
If you or someone you love has been injured recently, please call Mazow | McCullough to set up an appointment. There is a never a charge to a client for representation, and we are experienced and agile at finding the best way to tell the truth about your injury. The right lawyer makes all the difference.