Reduce the Risk that Your Dog Will Bite
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Reduce the Risk Your Dog Will Bite

Although dogs have earned the title of “man’s best friend,” sometimes dogs can be aggressive and will bite another person. This can create a host of problems, including a liability lawsuit if the victim of the bite brings forward a claim for damages. Prevention is key when it comes to dog bites, and it’s important as a responsible dog owner to take action to keep your dog from biting in the first place. Here’s how you can reduce the risk that your dog will bite or attack.

Spay or Neuter Your Dog

Studies have shown that most dog bites were done by a dog that had not been spayed or neutered.

Supervise Your Dog

Always supervise your dog when around other people, especially children. Teach children who are going to constantly be around the dog to treat him/her gently and with respect. Let them know that sometime the dog will need their space and that they have to respect that.

Socialize Your Dog

It is very important to expose your dog to its surroundings. Introduce him/her to new people and other dogs. This will greatly diminish any fears that your dog may have of the outside world, which will in turn make him/her less likely to be fearful and frightened which can cause them to lash out. One important rule to remember when socializing your dog is to take it slow. If you see that your dog may need more time dealing with certain scenarios, ease back and let him/her progress at their own pace. You do not want your dog to become so uncomfortable and frightened that he lashes out and bites someone.

Make Your Dog a Part of Your Family

Don’t keep your dog tied up in the backyard all day. This can make your dog feel lonely and defenseless. When dogs feel defenseless, due to being constantly restrained and not being able to move freely they are more likely to bite.

Be On the Lookout

Be vigilant toward common triggers that may make your dog uncomfortable and cause him/her to lash out and bite. Try to avoid putting your dog in these situations. After all, we all need a little help when it comes to staying out of trouble when situations are less than favorable.

By taking action to reduce the risk of your dog biting, you can rest assured that your dog most likely won’t attack. If you have questions about dog bite law or what to do in the event of a dog bite, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced dog bite lawyer at Mazow | McCullough today.

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