I Was Hurt by a Dog, But Not Bitten - Is There a Case?
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If I have been hurt by a dog, but not bitten, do I still have a case?

In the state of Massachusetts, dog owners and dog keepers are responsible for their dogs. There is case law in Massachusetts in that if you’re not actually attacked or bitten by a dog, but you’re injured because of a dog, you may still have a claim. For example, if a dog gets away from its owner or its keeper and it jumps on top of you or knocks you to the ground and you suffer injuries because of that, you have a potential claim or a potential cause of action for your injuries.

Contact a Dog Bite Lawyer in Salem, Massachusetts

My name is Kevin McCullough with the Law Offices of Mazow & McCullough. If you’ve been injured, you need legal assistance, you have questions. You deserve answers to those questions and you deserve the best. Call our offices.

In the state of Massachusetts, dog owners and dog keepers are responsible for their dogs. There is case law in Massachusetts in that if you’re not actually attacked or bitten by a dog, but you’re injured because of a dog, you may still have a claim. For example, if a dog gets away from its owner or its keeper and it jumps on top of you or knocks you to the ground and you suffer injuries because of that, you have a potential claim or a potential cause of action for your injuries.

Contact a Dog Bite Lawyer in Salem, Massachusetts

My name is Kevin McCullough with the Law Offices of Mazow & McCullough. If you’ve been injured, you need legal assistance, you have questions. You deserve answers to those questions and you deserve the best. Call our offices.

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