Factors That Increase the Risk of Dog Bites
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6 Factors That Increase the Risk of a Dog Bite

A dog bite can occur out of nowhere, when you least expect it. However, there are a few general indicators that a bite is more likely to happen, allowing you to plan accordingly. Here are a few things to keep a watchful eye on, and if you find yourself in a scenario where one or more of these warning signs are present, consider getting yourself or your children out of the situation as soon as possible.

1. A Male Dog That Is Unneutered

While female dogs can also bite, statistics show that males are more likely to do so. Statistics also show that if a male dog is unneutered, the likelihood that he will bite increases significantly. If your friends or family members have a male dog that hasn’t been neutered, politely ask if the dog can be contained while you are visiting. If you have purchased or adopted a male dog, make an appointment to be neutered as soon as possible.

2. A Dog That Is Without His Master In His Own Yard

Dogs are very territorial and are protective of that territory. If a dog is alone in his own yard, the chances of him biting someone who comes into his territory are high. Avoid coming into a dog’s own space, especially if his master is not present.

3. A Dog That Has Been Tethered

While keeping a family pet on a chain or tether seems unthinkable to many animal lovers, people still continue to do so. A dog that is left out on a rope can become aggressive, especially if the dog is tethered for a significant period of time. Steer clear of tethered dogs and if you have children, warn them to stay several feet away from dogs who are on a rope or chain.

4. Multiple Dogs

Never approach a pack of dogs, especially if you are unfamiliar. A pack of dogs can easily become aggressive and see a human — even an adult — as prey. Avoid a multiple dog attack by knowing where there are packs of dogs in your neighborhood and avoiding those places.

5. A Dog That Is a Certain Breed

Although many pet lovers fight against breed-specific legislation, the fact remains that statistics show that some breeds of dog are more likely to bite or attack than others. These breeds include but are not limited to pit bulls, rottweilers, chows, and akitas. If you have friends or family members with a dangerous breed of dog, ask that they be kept contained while you are visiting. Avoid adopting these breeds or bringing them into your home.

6. A Dog That Is New

Dogs that are in a new environment or are around new people can become anxious very quickly. Take precautions around new dogs and introduce yourself to them slowly. Avoid overwhelming a new dog, and if you’ve adopted a dog, introduce the dog to members of your family one by one. Take it slow and if the dog shows aggressive body language, get out of the situation as quickly as possible.

Although it may be possible to avoid a dog bite by steering clear of the above scenarios, people can still get attacked. If you or a loved one were bitten by a dog, don’t hesitate to consult with a Massachusetts dog bite attorney to learn more about your legal options. Call Mazow | McCullough P.C. today for a consultation at (855) 693-9084.

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