Moped Hit and Run in Lynn - Mazow | McCullough, PC
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Moped Hit and Run in Lynn

Over the Memorial Day weekend, a man riding a moped was seriously injured when he was the victim of a hit and run in Lynn, Massachusetts. Police are still searching for the car and the driver responsible.

Details Surrounding the Crash

On Monday, May 25 at around 9:30 PM police responded to a hit and run crash involving a man in a moped. The crash occurred on Union Street in Lynn.  Witness’s state that the car involved in the crash was driving very fast and took off immediately after the crash occurred.   The man driving the moped suffered severe burn injuries due to the gas from the moped catching on fire. Witnesses from the stores surrounding the area ran to extinguish the fire with fire extinguishers. The victim was taken by helicopter to Massachusetts General Hospital.  At this time there are no updates as to how the victim is doing.

Increasing your Safety on the Road

According to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) the majority of accidents occur for the following reasons:

  • Collision at an intersection
  • Rider inexperience
  • Excessive Speed
  • Alcohol

In order to reduce the chances of being involved in a crash, one must be vigilant at intersections while at the same time making sure you increase your visibility to everyone on the road, especially at night.

Remember to ride within your ability. If you are new to riding, avoid riding at times when heavy traffic is expected or when conditions are not safe due to weather or visibility.

Bear in mind to keep your speed in check. The faster you are traveling the less reaction time you have which, in return, also limits the reaction time of other drivers to you.

And last but certainly not least, do not drink and ride. There is little room for error when on two wheels. When riding, a “fender bender” is not the likely outcome of any crash. Now that summer weather seems to have finally arrived and everyone is out an about, it is even more important to take extra steps to remain safe on the road.

If you have been injured as a result of a moped, motor scooter or motorcycle crash, Contact us today for a consultation and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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