Drain Cleaner Product Fails to Warn, Causes Severe Burns - Mazow | McCullough, PC
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Drain Cleaner Product Fails to Warn, Causes Severe Burns

$600k Awarded in Product Liability


The plaintiff was in his 40s and owned a restaurant in Marblehead, Massachusetts. He was using a lye drain opener to unclog a drain in the kitchen of his restaurant. The drain did not clear and he used the product again. During the second application, the lye exploded into his face and eyes. He was rushed to the emergency room at the Union Hospital in Lynn, Massachusetts. He required skin grafts and plastic surgery to repair the damage to his face.


The plaintiff investigated the circumstances of the case and found that the lye product was responsible for many injuries around the country. Suit was brought against the manufacturer for marketing a product which was not reasonably fit for its indented purpose.


The case settled for $600,000.